If I had a dollar for everyone who asked, “ Don’t you mean coach?”
Yes, this is My Life Couch.
Why? Well, the life coach domain was already taken :-). More seriously, your couch is part of so many life moments that involve emotions. When you are sad, relaxed, tired, or happy, you go to your couch. We share joyful moments and not-so-joyful moments from our couch.
I have created this space to feel welcoming and comfortable – like the perfect couch – where you could share your joys, fears, and sadness. Where you can unburden yourself knowing you’ll be heard, and where you can find rest and encouragement, so you are ready to get up and face the next thing in your day.
When you come to My Life Couch, you find a safe, confidential space that’s set up just for you. It’s the right colour, the right fabric, and the correct size. It’s a place where you can review your challenges, dream your dreams, and get that spark of inspiration you need to turn those dreams into reality.
Sometimes, we’ll cover things with My Life Couch that involves everyone who comes into your life: your children, your partner, your coworkers, your parents, your friends, your employe. Other times, your life couch is only about you and the things you hold closest to your heart.
My Life Couch is a safe place to cry, to grieve, and to express pain. For so many women, this is a space that is new and a bit strange at first. We spend a lot of time trying not to be “too emotional,” and we forget how important it is to feel and express our emotions in the process. You can do that at your My Life Couch.
Do you know what else this Couch is perfect for? Your softest, comfiest, I’ll-never-leave-the-house-in-this sweatsuit. It’s that place where you can let all the stress in your life fall away, even for just one hour, and totally, completely relax. Feels good, doesn’t it?
And there are those days when you are fierce, dressed to the nines and beyond glamourous. On those days, you can perch on the edge of your couch, flip one gorgeous leg over the other knee, and revel in the power and confidence that comes from being a spectacular woman. Oh yeah, My Life Couch is great for those days.
So these are some of the best ways to make the most of My Life Couch.
But my favourite is when you sit down with a girlfriend and a cup of tea or a glass of wine. You both turn towards each other, tuck your feet, maybe throw a soft blanket over your shoulders, and find solidarity, comfort, and support that comes from sharing experiences, being understood, spending time with your personal cheerleader, and just enjoying that connection and bond that women share. My Life Couch is a place to share that special bond.
All of us can benefit from My Life Couch! I hope you’ll join me on the couch, find safety and comfort, laugh, cry, reflect, and then stand strong and confident, ready for whatever is next.
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