Are you worried that this is going to be one of those posts that drags on moms for using their cellphone? Worry not, because it is not !
Cell phones have become an important part of life as mom these days. For everything from keeping connected with friends and family – when it’s not possible to see them in person – to following up with work, to getting the latest update about whatever is happening at school, we need our cell phones in order to be a mom and every other role label we’re responsible for.
But, Without Enough Charge We Can’t Get Things Done!
What good is a dead cellphone? Even if it’s the most sophisticated, powerful, fresh-from-the -factory version of the best cell phone technology has to offer, if its battery is flat out , it has nothing left to give. It doesn’t even make a good paperweight – Too light ! –
I am willing to bet – as a mom reading this right now – you have experienced your power levels sitting on the red at some point, just like a cell phone battery about to shut things down.
Use a “Battery Saver” Strategy!
Does your phone has a “battery saver” option? If it does, it will let you know when your battery is running low, -usually around the 20% charge – and recommend using this “battery saver” mode to conserve energy until you can plug in your phone.
We definitely need as moms, a “ battery saver” option! If one of your children get sick, or a dear friend has a crisis, your partner runs into an unexpected challenge, work becomes suddenly stressful, or any type of event happens that results in needing more of our precious internal resources, we need to stop some of the “apps” that are running in our life for a time, so our energy is saved for this additional need. Sounds familiar?
You are – and will always be – only one very human person. Even when you do the work of more than one person (and haven’t we all been there!), it’s not sustainable . Shut down whatever you are doing that is taking energy from what matters right now. Save your battery…. and by extension, save yourself and your sanity!
My Life Couch is a Power Source
If you are constantly struggling with a low battery, things becomes very, very hard. I’ve seen mamas that desperately want to get recharged, but all the resources they have are being poured into surviving, not getting powered up.
That’s OK!!! The thing about My Life Couch is that I am here to support and help you, whenever you need it. Sometimes you need a portable battery to get you through some draining times until you can connect with that long term power source. My Life Couch is like a portable power source!
Have you ever spent a few hours with a friend and come away feeling refreshed, excited, energized? That’s what My Life Couch can do for you. And once you’re powered up again, you’ll be ready to run full steam ahead without shutting down your favourite apps!
Create a Habit for Staying Charged!
We need to have a good plan for rejuvenating ourselves and recharging our batteries. A good plan is predictable, effective and manageable.
Here are just a few ways that moms I know are recharging their batteries on a regular basis:
On certain days of the week, they sleep with ear plugs firmly in place and their partners handle any middle of the night needs from their children
One day a week is take out dinners – take the opportunity to patronize if you can small business owners :-)- , and they don’t worry about cooking
They take a half-day every weekend to go for for a long walk – or run, or cycling etc…- alone and then relax with their favourite brewage
They ask for help, from partner or older children so not all chores fall on “Mom’s shoulders”
They take care of their mental health, by meditating, singing loud in the shower, taking 10 minutes naps…
They book a consultation with My Life Couch so they can get supported in their recharging needs.
You probably have your own ideas when it comes to what works best when it comes to recharging your batteries. Listen to those ideas. Listen to your heart and your “battery level”. Take action to take care of yourself and your battery. You owe it to yourself :-).
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